Wednesday, August 24, 2011


1.Watch a movie. Remember the times when you came out of the movie hall feeling happy for no apparent reason ; yeah watching a movie does that to you. Don't know the reason for this but keep a stash of some feel good movies handy; whenever feeling a little down watch a movie and you would be happy within a matter of an hour or two. Helps you get a positive perspective on life. :)

2.Read comic books. It is an amazing solution. Comics will make you laugh and there is no way that you can be sad while laughing. so it kind of forces you to be happy.

3.Pamper yourself. Go ahead and use some self care products and pamper your self. The homemade pack that you heard about and wanted to try or use the face pack that you bought but never used. Give yourself a mani-pedi

4.Cook. Get yourself some kitchen therapy. Making dinner or lunch from scratch can be a great stress reliever and at the end you will feel proud and happy for coming up with some gorgeous food.

5. Call a friend or a relative that you haven't talked to in days and were thinking about calling. Somebody who actually appreciates you and maybe after talking to them you might feel valued and special.

6. Reorganise and unclutter your wardrobe or workspace. Firstly it will take your mind off , get rid of unnecessary things that clutter your life and mind and a new look of your wardrobe or workspace will help you get rid of the negativity that you were feeling just half an hour ago.

7. Go for a walk. Just put on your shoes and get out.Walk aimlessly for 15 to 20 minutes around your house breathe in the fresh air and you might not even remember what were you so upset about just a while ago.

8.Pursue a hobby. Things that you have thought of doing in the past but never had the time to. Try and start small so that you are not overwhelmed and for some reason it does not pan out so well you wont suffer from a sense of failure. Enjoy small achievements and appreciate that you have moved a step closer to what you wanted to do.

9. Subscribe to a magazine. Magazine that you enjoy reading can often work as a support when you feel disconnected to the world. It can be something new that you read that you can get excited about or a regular column in a magazine that has comforted you before.

10. Look through old photo albums with a family members. This one works very effectively. As memories are always sweet and recapitulating it with a loved one will always cheer you up